Creating a Wall Display
One of the best parts of getting your photos is taking the time to decide how to share them with the world. For some people, this will mean an album. Others will be happy with a simple frame. But for others, we want something bigger, a statement made in our home. Wall displays can be a great idea. But how do you go about creating a wall display for your photos? Consider these easy tips.
Decide a Theme
A theme can be anything you want it to be. Maybe you’re telling the story of your travels, or maybe it’s the story of your family. Whatever the case, take some time to figure out what the theme of your display is and let that guide you as you build it. Remember, creating a wall gallery is all about theme.
Decide a Flow
Maybe you have a timeline for your photos. Maybe they were taken in different places. There’s no one right way to set the flow of your wall display. Our suggestion is that you find some logical way for it to be organized though. This will make it an enjoyable storytelling experience for people viewing it and make for an incredible place in your home.
Have Fun
The bottom line is that displaying your photos should be fun. Take the time and make an occasion of finally setting up your display. Play some music, relive the memories, and create something wonderful to share with your friends and family.
Capturing Your Memories
We know that the current state of the world has left us all wondering how we move forward. There are still so many pictures we want, and tons of memories we want captured, and our team is working hard to help you while keeping you safe and healthy. If you have questions about what we’re offering, contact us today!