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Tips for Aspiring Photographers
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Tips for Aspiring Photographers

It can be scary and intimidating to get into any creative field, due to the uncertainty of success and amount of competition out there. Photography is a great tool to express your vision, meet many subjects, and see many places.  But along the way you may face rejection and discouragement.  A good way to learn is by mirroring and being inspired from others who were once in your shoes.  Here are tips from photographers who are up and coming and have been able to live their dreams, accompanied by one of their favorite photos they have taken.



“Shoot a lot until you find what you’re good at, what kind of style you like and what works best for you.”  –Leah Sumner



“Practice, practice, practice. And keep learning, whether you’re taking classes or teaching yourself via online workshops or YouTube tutorials. I worked for free for a while when I first started to get practice and build a portfolio and when I was starting, I didn’t know a lot. But, as I continued to learn, my photos became much better. Also, try not to be too hard on yourself. When I look back at old headshots I’ve taken, I cringe, but I am proud of what I can do now that I have gained more knowledge and experience.”Kirsten Ray



“Follow your instincts and trust your curiosity.  Take photos of as many things as you can to discover what you like the most.  Shoot food, weddings, real estate, anything, but make each photo your own, don’t mimic anyone else’s.  This is the way you can use photography to express your individualism through art. -Stephanie Blaksley



“Don’t underestimate how one or two little tips can elevate your work substantially.  Always be learning.  Always be curious about how other people “did that.”  If you approach the craft with enthusiasm and curiosity, your work will speak for itself, and improve with every shoot.”  – Michelle Iannantuono



“Find inspiration everywhere you can. Take photos of your friends, family; anyone who is willing. Not only will you build your skills in photography, but you will also start to build a portfolio. And, never stop looking for inspiration – I have found that discovering new editing styles or new techniques is what keeps me passionate about the craft.” –Jessica Doherty



Being a great photographer isn’t about having the best camera or most expensive gear.  It’s about having a unique point of view, and using that point of view to tell a story.  My camera is like an invisibility cloak, it lets me go places and see things that other people can’t.  –Julia Levy



Photography is a way for me to explore and express all the parts I admire most about somebody else.  It is the best way I know how to show others how beautiful they can be.” – Lindsay Rogerson



“Find something you love and take photos of that.  I love music and I take photos of concerts, it’s what keeps me creative and loving it.  I love it when you shoot into the light and it casts rainbows.  My favorite challenge while shooting concerts is to capture those rainbows along with a poignant moment on stage. I love how the rainbow lens flare is almost a halo, and how a subject’s eyes are closed as they are deep into a moment.  At a festival, with thousands of onlookers, they are still in that moment and I get to capture that.”  Kalyn Oyer

With all of these tips from other photographers, hopefully you can go out there and live your dream of being a photographer, and most of all keep doing it for the love of it.  The resources out there for a modern day photographer are endless with the rise of the digital age so it is such an exciting time to be an aspiring photographer.  Don’t ever stop pushing yourself to making the best photos you can!